Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Three: First Wednesday

Today was rough, I couldn't really keep up with the instructions and my shoulder was nagging me from the get-go. Still, I tried to push through it and K seemed to take a little pity on me (though I really feel I let him down).

We started with stepping and moving warmup then moved to combinations on the boxing mitts. We worked on the 1-2-3 combo with hook, upper and other variations and then he began working on my blocks. First is the jab with the left hand on the shoulder block for counters, the key is keeping the shoulder high with a strong left arm on the shoulder itself. We went over the blocks against the jab and cross (arm blocks with dodging to the side, same side as the punch) and the teep (swing arm down and catch it with the glove and swing it away as you move.

After that it was on to bag work, where I was given a series of combinations to try. Series 1 is:
1. 1-2-3 Combo
2. 1-2 Right (front) round kick
3. Jab Round Kick
4. Round kick Jab
5. 1-2 Left Round kick
6. 1-2-3 Left Round Kick
(Actually... I might be wrong... I kept screwing it up so bad and now I can't remember it exactly)

After that it was more blocking drilling, and then seeing my fatigue K showed me a new exercise where you walk normally and on the oppose hand of the step you punch, doing either straights, hooks or uppercuts on both arms as you walk. I think this will get my upper body technique a lot of practice while hopefully strengthening my right shoulder more.

We ended with 50 situps and a puddle of sweat. Overall, I wish I was stronger and quicker so I can keep up with K's instructions better. I plan on beginning a roadwork routine tomorrow (we'll see how that goes in the morning).

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